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Creative Data Devices, INC.

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Education: B of EE (GA Tech)
1/2 of MS of EE from University of Mo at Rolla
Employment: McDonnell Corp. - Radar - Test Interface hardware and software design
Bell and Howell Corp. - Analog and Digital design of Instrumentation Tape Recorders
Genesco Technology - Analog and Digital design of Instrumentation Tape Recorders

Northrop Corp. - Target Vehicle Electronics
Dataproducts Corp. - Analog and Digital design of computer printers - Advanced Development
Axiom Corp. - General Manager and Director of Engineering
Creative Data Devices, Inc. - Founder, President and Chief Engineer
With an extensive background in Analog, Digital and Firmware design, Chuck Hubbard formed Creative Data Devices to respond to industry needs for design personnel. We designed a number of products for various companies but quickly found that one of the biggest needs was for an individual with an RF background to help meet the FCC, European (CE) and military emissions (usually MIL-STD 461/462 or TEMPEST) and susceptibility requirements. The Radar experience McDonnell Corp. and Northrop Corp. become valuable.
While at Dataproducts, Chuck Hubbard managed several products as they were submitted to the FCC testing. And then for a year after starting Creative Data Devices, Chuck Hubbard functioned as Acting RF Lab Manager for PDE Labs, a certified NAVLAP facility. During that time Chuck tested much of the literature appearing in technical journals and developed an insight into the real problems and solutions for EMI, ESD, etc.
"With an extensive background in Analog, Digital and Firmware design, Chuck Hubbard formed Creative Data Devices to respond to industry needs for design personnel...."